The Brazilian agriculture,in the past years,has seen over 30 million ha been converted to notillage systems whereas surf......
The impact of soil compaction and freeing-thawing cycles on soil structure and yield in Mollisol reg
Agricultural machinery tillage and alternating freezing and thawing are two critical factors associated with soil struct......
Paddy soil is subject to alternative flooding and drying conditions,inducing cyclic reduction and oxidization of soil co......
Two decades of no-till in the Oberacker long-term field experiment:Soil porosity and gas transport p
No-till is practiced for various environmental and economic reasons,but the absence of soil loosening by tillage affects......
Soil compaction due to agricultural vehicular traffic is a major threat to soil productivity,soil functions and crop gro......
Biopores are an important factor for nutrient cycling in soils.They provide biologically highly active zones in the soil......
Soil structure degradation is a key environmental and agricultural issue.It is commonly observed in the field, whe......
Soil structure regulates the majority of the chemical,physical and biological properties and processes of soil.Hence,in ......
Globally potato production is in excess of 364 million tonnes and growing with China the largest single producer with an......
Visual Soil Examination and Evaluation(VSEE)techniques are useful indicators of soil quality appropriate for use by agri......
Natural Farming: biodiversity ecological agriculture by Japanese farmers can be ecologically explain
No-tillage management is rapidly increasing in many places in the world because of serious soil risks occurring cultivat......
Employ of source-separated municipal solid waste compost for the sustainable management of urban der
Many of the problems related to the management of plants in urban areas derive from the quality of soil.The use of compo......
The loss of structure of natural marine clay under the cyclic loading can lead to a significant change of mechanical pro......
Visual evaluation of soil structure(VESS)has being used to compare soil with contrasting textures,tillage,crop rotat......