
来源 :中国地质科学院562综合大队集刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:airising
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宁波市是浙江省东部地区的经济文化中心,是我国对外开放的重要口岸。近年来随着经济建设的迅速发展,在城市规划和保障工程建筑安全方面,都对环境地质的了解程度提出了新的要求。调查研究表明,宁波地区挽近以来的地壳运动强度很弱,断裂构造活动以继承性活动为主,垂向或水平方向的相对差异性运动一般不甚明显,地震稀少,且震级较低,最大地震震级仅4 3/4级。半年多的现场微震台网监测,在控制范围内未曾记录到M_L≥1.0级地震,历史上或现今均为弱震区.周围中、强地震带最大地震(M_a 6.5—8.0级)发生时,波及宁波地区的最大烈度不超过Ⅵ级.实测地应力值较低。这些都说明宁波地区是地壳稳定性较好的地区。 Ningbo is an economic and cultural center in the eastern part of Zhejiang Province and an important port for opening up to the outside world in China. In recent years, with the rapid development of economic construction, new requirements have been put forward on the degree of understanding of environmental geology both in urban planning and in the safety of construction projects. The investigation shows that crustal movement intensity is very weak in Ningbo since the recent strike, and the fault tectonic activity is dominated by inheritance activities. The relative vertical and horizontal relative movement is generally not obvious, the earthquakes are sparse and the magnitude is low, the maximum The magnitude of the earthquake is only 4 3/4. More than six months of on-site monitoring of microseismic networks, no M_L≥1.0 earthquakes were recorded in the control range, and all of them are historical or present-day weak earthquakes, and the occurrence of the maximum earthquakes (M_a 6.5-8.0) Ningbo, the maximum intensity does not exceed Ⅵ level. Measured value of stress is low. All these show that Ningbo is a region with good crustal stability.
【摘 要】在对广西民族预科生存在自卑、焦虑、抑郁、封闭等心理问题进行分析的基础上,提出帮助他们克服这些心理问题的对策。  【关键词】广西 民族预科生 心理问题 教育对策  【文献编码】doi:10.3969/j.issn.0450-9889(C).2011.11.035    民族预科教育是高等教育的特殊层次,是高等教育的重要组成部分。它对于培养少数民族人才,发展民族地区的经济,实现各民族的共同繁