Clinical Application of the Cervical Pedicle Flaps Technique Improvements and Oncological Safety

来源 :11th Asian Congress on Oeal and Maxillofacial Surgery(第十一届亚洲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hscyg
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The reconstruction of the soft tissue defects after surgery of the head and neck cancer is a complex task.Optimal treatment requires the achievement of effective function and an acceptable cosmetic appearance by use of local and distal pedicled flaps, or microvascular free flaps.The choice of a flap depends on the site and size of the defect, on donor site availability, donor site morbidity, on the patients general healthy status, as well as on the surgeons experience.During the past 20 years, free-tissue transfers with microvascular anastomoses, such as the radial forearm flap and anterolateral thigh flap, provides pliable thin soft tissue to fill the large defects, though they lack colour match to the face and neck.In addition, these flaps need personnel trained in microsurgical techniques and special postoperative monitoring.High risk patients with advanced age or multiple medical issues are not good surgical candidates for microsurgery.Cervical pedicle flaps (platysma flap, submental island flap, stemocleidomastoid musculocutaneous,infrahyoid myocutaneous and supraclavicular island flaps) appears to be extremely suitable for medium-sized defects of oral cavity, pharynx and lower third of the face because of fast flap harvesting, proximity of the donor site to the original operating field, acceptable esthetic results at the donor site and minimal donor-site morbidity.Although various reports on the use of the cervical pedicle flaps have been published, there is still some controversy over their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the specific indications for them.Modifications (improvements) of the surgical techniques of flap harvesting, its influence on flap survival, indications and limitations for reconstruction of orofacial defects,especially defects after excision of oral cancer, are discussed based on authors experience and literature reports.
新冠病毒感染性强,另有关键因素?  与SARS相比,新冠病毒造成的疾病症状更为复杂、传播性更强。不像SARS仅限于下呼吸道系统感染,新冠病毒会感染鼻黏膜在内的上呼吸道系统,因此通过打喷嚏等方式会造成病毒主动脱落、迅速扩散。而且,新冠感染影响多种器官(如肺和肾脏),还会引发神经症状,包括嗅觉和味觉暂时丧失。近日,由多国科学家组成的两支科研团队发现,有一个过去未知的关键因素增强了新冠病毒(SARS-C
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结直肠肿瘤发生与日常生活习惯、饮食结构存在着密切关联,近年来,肠癌占肿瘤发病率的前3位,人们对于结直肠肿瘤的关注度也逐渐提升。那么,结直肠肿瘤患者治疗后的预后效果怎样呢?  肠癌预后影响因素  TNM分期(目前国际上最为通用的肿瘤分期系统)是对肿瘤患者预后恢复的主要影响因素,病情处于早期还是晚期直接影响着预后效果。总体Ⅰ期结直肠肿瘤肠癌患者接受有效治疗后,5年生存率达到90%左右,Ⅱ期患者的5年生
Cancer is a genetic disease and a result of gene-environment interactions.To rapidly translate findings obtained from extensive genetic and molecular studies in
麻醉大家都听说过。吸入麻醉与静脉麻醉——临床中用得最多的两种麻醉方式到底怎么回事,很多人恐怕还一无所知。这两种麻醉方法都属于全身麻醉,那么它们的优缺点各是什么?在何种情况下,选择何种麻醉方式更合适呢?读过本文,以上问题将全部得到答案。  吸入麻醉  世界上第一例全身麻醉就是吸入麻醉,吸入麻醉是通过呼吸机将可挥发的麻醉药物与氧气混合后由病人随着呼吸经口鼻缓缓吸体内,产生大脑的抑制,使病人慢慢入睡,随