Objective: In this paper, the author outlined a new breakthrough creation of project for information and computer science.Which use the modern information and computer science to solve the present problem which the computer has not recorded all the tone and the words at the same time when the people are speaking.Method: Summarize the modern information and computer science.Create the new breakthroughs project of computer science.Results: The author outlines, by developing a new technology project to recognize the peoples speaking and their tone and characters, at the same time, transmit the recognizing into computer with their tone and characters and store the tone and characters of the speaking information.Therefore, any peoples speaking could be recorded into the computer with their characters of tone at the same time.Conclusion: This is a breakthrough creation project for information and computer science.When the breakthrough creation came into reality.The revolution movements of science could be induced.The life, work, and security and other active things of mankind could be more easy and wonderful.There were much too harvesting in economical and practical gaining.And there were also much too harvesting in social development.So there are lots of chances waiting us to make her true in the near future when the paper of the new breakthrough creation for information and computer science is published and accepted for application.Because recognizing and recording the tone of people language and his characters of the speaking information are different from each other.Like the fingerprint, the public security and other practical gaining could be great.The breakthrough technology project of computer science can be used for recognizing and recording the tone of language of other biology, and their characters of the speaking or voice information, apart from people.