A CIP-based simulation of 2-D floating body response to regular waves

来源 :第十三届现代数学和力学学术会议(MMM-XIII)暨钱伟长诞辰100周年纪念大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fulingshu
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A CFD model has been developed to study the motion of a 2-D floating body due to regularwaves and validated by a newly designed experiment. In the experiment, a model of a box-shaped floatingbody with a small freeboard is adopted. The computations are performed by a Constrained InterpolationProfile (CIP)-based Cartesian grid method, which is described in the paper. The CIP algorithm is adopted asthe base scheme to obtain a robust flow solver for the Cartesian grid approach. An improved THINC scheme(THINC, tangent of hyperbola for interface capturing), the more accurate WLIC/THINC scheme (WLIC:weighed line interface calculation), is applied as the free surface/ interface capturing method. Main attentionsare paid to the motion of the floating body, velocity field around the structure. Good agreements are obtainedin comparison with experimental measurement. It is concluded that the present model with the aid of theCIP technique can provide with acceptably accurate numerical results on the route to practical purposes.
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