【摘 要】
Due to the special properties of asphere lens.the testing of it is more difficult than that of spherical lens.In this paper,the development of a new method
【机 构】
I Key Laboratory of Op1ical System Advanced Manufacturing Tech nology ,ChineseAcadmyofSciences,Chang
【出 处】
Due to the special properties of asphere lens.the testing of it is more difficult than that of spherical lens.In this paper,the development of a new method using the liquid crystal spatial light modulator (SLM) to measure the accuracy of an aspheric surface is presented.The surface form was measured using a new component as the compensator lens in conjunction to provide an interferogram representing the aspheric form deviation from the nominal.Interferograms are decoded using a spatial- carrier phase-shifting technique.The interferometric data is compared to data obtained using a contact stylus profilometer.The system can be mounted over a polishing machine and used for on-line testing of aspheric mirror surfaces.
4月29日凌晨,台湾知名作家柏杨在台北病逝,享年89岁。柏杨的一生多崎岖,其感情生活也一波三折,有过五次婚姻。有这样的话语来形容柏杨:“十年小说、十年坐牢、十年杂文、十年著史”。柏杨一生著述丰厚,计有170多部小说、杂文和历史作品面世。《柏杨版资治通鉴》在台湾被誉为最有价值和最畅销的一部书,《中国人史纲》被列为对社会影响力最大的十部书之一,其中《丑陋的中国人》在当代华人世界中流传最为广泛。 动
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摘要 采用两个对称相位发生器(PGC)同时取代两个传统3dB耦合器,设计了一种新型宽光谱MachZehnder干涉仪(MZI)电光开关.利用给出的多元非线性最小均方优化算法,对PGC 结