Physical Analysis on Pulsar-based Navigation System: Preliminary Designs of Timing Model and A New P

来源 :第六届中国卫星导航学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pootcat
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  Six X-ray pulsars (PSR J0218+4232,PSR J0437-4715,PSR B0531-21,PSR J1939+2134,PSR J1024-0719 and PSR J0751+1807) are selected for the mission of deep-space autonomous navigation,and the relevant parameters (including position,proper motion,period and period derivative,etc.) are also listed.Based on the XMM-Newton X-ray timing data and the radio ephemeris for the young pulsar PSR B1509-58,we adopted both absolute timing and relative timing methods to fold its pulse profile in the 0.2-12 keV band.In addition,for the sake of both pulsar-based deep-space autonomous navigation and scientific research,we take the Crab pulsar as an example to fit its X-ray (0.2-30 keV band) spectrum,and obtain its power-law fitted spectrum.Then we estimate the navigation accuracy of the detectors with different effective areas.Finally,we discuss a preliminaryprobedesign principle of X-ray detectors for the pulsarnavigation,and give the rough estimations on the effective areaandsensitivity.
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