Solar-powered Gas Turbines Using Direct Transfer of Solar Radiation via a Heliostat Array and a Cent

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youlanbihai
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  Solar thermal concentrators can generate temperatures above 2,000℃.Gas turbines can operate above 1,000℃, giving potentially high efficiencies.However, compression and expansion are adiabatic, rather than isothermal, giving efficiencies much less than the theoretical limit.This can be improved by reheat, etc, resulting in a nearly isothermal cycle, increasing efficiency.However,the turbine is more complex, with heat transfers between heating stages.The resulting losses can be as large as the gains from improved turbine efficiency.For solar turbines, heat transfer over long distances would result in large heat losses.Primary optics concentrates radiation to the focal point, as in other systems.Secondary optics directs radiation through windows in the turbine casing.Most of this radiation is directed into the primary heating chamber.The remainder is focused onto the turbine discs, heating the gas passing through them.The resulting expansion is close to isothermal, producing higher efficiency.For smaller systems, parabolic concentrators can be used.For large systems, a heliostat array provides the area required.The heliostats focus radiation onto lenses mounted around the central tower, which focus the radiation into light pipes, and then into the turbine.A gas turbine rotates at 10,000 rpm or higher, and for a solar-powered turbine, this will vary with insolation.A generator rotates at 3,000 or 3,600 rpm.A gearbox can reduce the speed (this varies with insolation), but incurs transmission losses.Modem inverters can operate in the power range required, and with lower losses than a gearbox.Therefore the generator is directly coupled to the turbine, and rotates at high speed.Its output is rectified, and inverted to 50 or 60 Hz, which is connected to the grid.A multi-level inverter can produce an output voltage with relatively little harmonic distortion.
在夏津镇韩庄和高庄村两处果树,于1992年5月16日、6月20日和8月20日分别喷布B型高产素1000、1200、1500倍液各 3次,每次15株.结果表明:3种浓度高产素花序应果率分别比喷清水
据调查,低产板栗综合技术改造,主要有四条: 一、嫁接改造。1991年在虎过庄乡南安庄搞嫁接试点,接活96穗,成活率98.3%。1992年又从迁西引进优良接穗1200根(共成活734根约130余
  1.Intellectual property rights are an essential tool to promote the orderly exploitation of new technologies providing, an incentive for the creation of inn
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