The Value of Confucian Eco-Perspective for Environmental Protection

来源 :国际儒学联合会,中国孔子基金会,联合国教科文组织 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:silent_control
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  Through a critical assessment of the ecological implications of the Confucian eco-perspective articulated in early Confucian texts, we will argue that, different from a commonly held interpretation that Confucian eco-perspective is simply a human-centred philosophical fusion of humanity and nature, this perspective is in fact composed of two contradictory orientations, one ren-centred (roughly anthropocentric) and the other tian-centric (nature-centric in a specific sense), which correspond generally to the two major camps of environmental philosophy in the West in the twentieth century.We will further argue that the two orientations of the Confucian eco-perspective have different yet related functions in environment protection and conservation: the tian-centred understanding establishes a metaphysical and religious framework for Confucian eco-ethical norms, in which ecological prohibitions and policies are built into the political structure, while the ren-centred orientation provides Confucians with a practical value and meaning for protecting environment.The former is the core or foundation, while the latter is the application or superstructure.In contemporary times, Confucian eco-perspective is under further development, not as a dualistic philosophy but as a theoretic framework of practical significance.Contemporary Confucians are indeed searching for the way by which the two traditionally centered orientations can be unified as one holistic perspective to provide a theoretical and practical guidance for our understanding of the human position in the universe, the harmony between humans and nature and the value of environment protection and conservation.
目的 探讨自我效能、自我控制感与晕动病诱发试验产生的晕动症状的相关,以期寻找与实验室晕动病相关的心理学指标.方法 对某院校367名本科学员进行晕动病科利奥力(Coriolis)加速度测试,采用Graybiel评分标准进行晕动反应评估.并要求被试在测试前填写晕动病自我效能感量表,自我控制感量表.将Coriolis加速度试验中Graybiel评分等于或大于16分的69名被试选入实验组,Graybiel
目的 了解特殊职业和个性特征对心理健康的影响.方法 随机抽取消防某部4130名官兵为调查对象,采用卡特尔16项人格因素问卷和症状自评量表测评工具,进行调查分析.结果 16pf测试结果:乐群性、聪慧性、稳定性等10项人格因素显著高于全军常模[分别为(6.11±1.67) (5.66±1.68) (5.91±1,79) (6.71±1.83) (5.81±1.78) (6.35±1.79) (5.54
目的 考察新兵心理健康状况,探讨新兵个性与心理健康的关系.方法 对3248名新兵进行症状自评量表(SCL-90)和艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)测试,对男兵与女兵的测试结果进行t检验,对男兵SCL-90各因子分与新兵常模进行t检验,对SCL-90各因子分与EPQ各维度进行Pearson相关分析.结果 女兵躯体化、焦虑得分显著高于男兵(P<0.01),人际关系敏感、敌对、偏执得分显著低于男兵(P<0.0l
目的 调查分析北京某部军人心理健康状况及其影响因素。方法 随机整群抽取驻北京某部军人675例,运用SCL-90症状自评量表进行测评,并与地方常模、全军常模进行比较分析;对不同兵源、类别的军人SCL-90因子分进行比较。结果 北京某部军人在心理健康状况优于军人常模。在敌对、恐怖、精神病性和其他症状等因子上与地方常模没有显著性差别,而在人际关系敏感、忧郁、焦虑、偏执等因子上优于地方常模,其心理健康问题
目的:研究高低心理弹性个体对正性、中性和负性情绪图片的认知偏向.方法:采用心理弹性量表(CD-RISC)对160 名在校大学生进行问卷调查,并结合心理访谈筛选出高弹性和低弹性水平学生各24名.整个实验分为两个部分,首先是视觉 转移任务;其次是情绪图片再认任务,记录被试对正性、中性和负性三类情绪图片做出判断的正确率和反应时.结果:①低 弹性组个体对对负性情绪图片的再认正确率最高,对正性情绪图片的再认
I will explore some key concepts taken from the Chinese classics and their interpretation in Neoconfucian thought (Zhu Xi and the Cheng Masters) which contributed to the understanding of Chinese cultu