EU Strategic Research and Innovations in Timber Sector towards Horizon 2020

来源 :第三届中国林业学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xpank
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  Europe is the only world region to have achieved a net increase in forest area over the past 20 years through the sustainable management of forests, having gained 16.9 million hectares of forest landsince 1990.The volume of timber in the EU forests is at its highest level since records began.The netannual increment in 2010 was 620 million m3from which about 60% is harvested(Source: FAO State of Europes Forests 2011).The timber sector in Europe plays a pivotal role, providing society with a wide variety of products through the whole supply chain from paper, packaging,tissue paper, furniture, carpentry and construction materials made from solid wood and wood-based panels to textile fibres, biofuels, bio-energy and specialist chemicals, and contributing about 8% of the EUs total manufacturing added value.To achieve significant breakthroughs through innovation, the sector needs access to financial capacity and basic scientific knowledge, and such building a critical mass of skills and resources to break down barriers, the EU forest sector has hence strategized their research and innovation in line with the stimulation of EU Horizon 2020.And this report is to investigate the timber sectors initiatives of research and innovations happening or intended in near future.
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