Population Structure and Demographic History of Rhacophorus omeimontis based on Mitochondrial DNA an

来源 :第十届全国野生动物生态与资源保护学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxm2000
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Inferring the mechanisms shaping current genetic structure is one of the most important issues in population genetics and evolutionary biology.The omei treefrog,Rhacophorus omeimontis,is ecologically important in south China.
The activity budgets of primates reflect their survival strategy.Despite existing data on the activity budgets of Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys(Rhinopithecus bieti),little is known about how activity budg
Multilevel societies(MLS),in which polygynous reproductive units are nested in a larger social matrix,represent a highly complex social system documented only in a small number of mammalian species.
猕猴属属于猴科,是灵长类中辐射进化最成功的谱系之一.基于形态学特征和线粒体DNA 序列的分析尚未构建出猕猴属动物清晰、明确的系统进化关系.本研究以地中海猕猴(Macaca sylvanus)、豚尾猴(M.nemnestrina)、藏酋猴(M.thibetana)、熊猴(M.assamensis)、红面猴(M.arctoides)、恒河猴(M.mulatta)、食蟹猴(M.fascicularis)
The Common Pheasant,Phasianus colchicus is distributed throughout temperate regions in East and Central Asia,and had been widely introduced into Europe and North America as a game bird.
The watchdog(canis familiaris),the worlds oldest domesticate,is a very close relative of the grey wolf(Canis lupus)and the two species diverged anywhere from 145 00 to 15 000 years ago.
岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)隶属于牛科(Bovidae)、羊亚科(Caprinae)、岩羊属(Pseudois),主要分布在中国、印度、巴基斯坦、锡金、克什米尔和尼泊尔等国,在我国主要分布于四川、内蒙古、宁夏、云南、西藏、新疆、甘肃和青海等地.岩羊到底包含有几个亚种尚存有疑问,同时不同地理居群之间的谱系关系也有一定争议.
利用二代测序平台对来自非洲、亚洲、欧洲、中东、北美洲等不同地区的狼、狗进行了高覆盖的全基因组测序,产生了34 个犬科动物的高质量全基因组数据,利用全基因组数据进行了较深入的比较基因组学分析.
Cetaceans are active divers since its transition from land to water.Current studies show that hypoxia induced by prolong submerge is a prominent challenge for cetaceans,however,its molecular basis rem