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现代汉语中存在某些多音多义字的冗音问题,给学习、使用汉语的人们带来很大麻烦。多数学者如黄伯荣、王敏等主张进一步进行汉字的审音工作。本文以这种思想为指导,采取分化某些字的读音的办法尝试解决某些字的读音问题。主要探讨分化一些多音多义字:一是与部分异体字有关的;二是传统读音,主要是与地名有关的。这样分化多音字,能够减轻人们在使用汉语中的记忆负担。当然,分化字音应该遵守“约定俗成”的原则。本文以《现代汉语词典》为标准。有两种多音字因为情况复杂,不在分化范围内:联绵词引起的多音和古今字引起的多音。 The existence of some polyphonic polyphony in modern Chinese is a serious problem for those who study and use Chinese. Most scholars, such as Huang Borong and Wang Min, advocated the further examination of Chinese characters. Guided by this kind of thinking, this article attempts to resolve the pronunciation problems of certain words by differentiating the pronunciation of certain words. Mainly to explore the differentiation of some polyphonic polysemous words: one is related to some variant characters; the second is the traditional pronunciation, mainly related to place names. This differentiation of polyphonic words can reduce the memory burden of people in using Chinese. Of course, the phonetic pronunciation should follow the principle of “convention.” In this paper, “Modern Chinese Dictionary” as the standard. There are two kinds of multi-syllables because of the complex situation, not within the scope of differentiation: Polyphony caused by conjunctions and polyphony caused by ancient and modern words.
本文记录涪陵方言的音系,归纳其音韵特点,并列出同音字汇。 This article records the phonology of Fuling dialect, summarizes its phonological characteristics, and l
湖南省安化县长塘镇瓦子村,有一位101岁的姚旺初老人。老人家神采奕奕,背不驼,耳不聋,眼不花,口齿清楚,走路利落,每天还坚持到房前屋后的菜园地里劳动。看上去只有90开外,一点也看不出老态龙钟的样子。老人说健康长寿的秘诀主要有四个方面。  胸怀宽广,达观处事  老人说,要想健康长寿,需要宽广的胸怀,达观处事的心态,啥事都不往心里去。姚旺初早年生活很苦,1942年,日本人入侵安化,他被日本人抓去当了伙