Sleep, activity and temperature recorded via telemetry in tree shrews (tupaia belangeri) under basel

来源 :中国神经科学学会第四次会员代表大会暨第七届全国学术会议(The 7th Biennial Meeting and the | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanhan777
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  Tree shrews are nocturnally sleeping,primate-related animals that have been extensively studied in a well-developed model of social stress.Their sleep has received minimal attention.As a first step in assessing their utility as a model of the effects of social stress on sleep,we examined sleep,activity and core body temperature recorded via telemetry under baseline and chronic stress conditions.Six adult male tree shrews (weight 120-140 g) were intraperitoneally implanted with transmitters (DataSciences TL11M2-ETA-F20) for recording EEG,EMG,activity and core body temperature.The animals were maintained on a 12-12h light-dark cycle.Chronic stress was induced by placing two males in a single cage,but separated by wire mesh.The wire mesh was removed daily for 1.0 h immediately before lights offto allow physical contact.Behavioral states were visually scored based on EEG,EMG and activity.Over 24 h,the percentage of baseline time (Mean+SEM) spent sleeping was 51 +2% for total sleep,43+2% for NREM and 7.8±0.4% for REM.During the dark period,the percentage of time spent sleeping was 78± 1.2% for total sleep,75±+2% for NREM and 97± 1.3% for REM,whereas percentage of time with recorded activity was 9±3%.
吗啡是阿片受体的激动剂,可对啮齿类动物,非人灵长类动物猕猴及人类被试的学习记忆产生影响,而在蜜蜂等昆虫上的作用尚属未知.本实验将蜜蜂进行嗅觉条件化训练,使其在阳性条件刺激(CS+)出现时产生伸喙条件反射(proboscis extension reflex,PER).分别在:1)训练前30 min给每只蜜蜂胸腔注射吗啡1μL(10 μg/μL);2)训练完成后向每只蜜蜂胸腔注射吗啡1μL(10 μ
The mushroom bodies (MBs) are involved in the visual cognitive behavior of Drosophila,such as context generalization and decision-making facing conflicting cues.Here we report that MBs mediate the sal