High imitation of natural light technology based on Planckian locus mixing light

来源 :第十二届中国国际半导体照明论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woai894781693
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  With the development of human society,more and more people need to work in the room,and room usually use artificial light,such as tungsten filament lamp,all kinds of gas discharge lamp and solid state lighting light source etc.Compared to natural light,artificial light has some lacks.Firstly,it lacks certain ray of natural light( tungsten filament lamp spectrum is the most close to natural light,light efficiency is very low,about 1/10of the LED); secondly,its luminosity and chromaticity is constant,but natural light changes period.Study find that human is living in the natural environment for a long time so natural light stimulus has an important influence on human physiology and psychology.This paper is based on existing chromatic and photometric technology,uses new energy-saving environmental protection lighting LED,to realize maximum simulation natural light technology.Combined with natural light spectrum characteristics and natural light along the Planckian locus changes over time,basing on the law of Glassman color mixing,using a linear equation to calculate corresponding brightness coefficient of the used mixed color light source (lies in two paragraphs of mix light target area of the given Planckian locus),using the brightness coefficient as the dimming control unit input parameters,achieving high quality and along the Planckian locus smoothly output the mixed light.So make the output of artificial light is more close to natural light,not only in light source spectral distribution aspect,but also color,brightness changes also tend to be natural light rhythm,more suitable for physiological and psychological needs of people.
早餐吃15个鸡蛋,中餐吃20个鸡蛋,晚餐再吃15个鸡蛋;只吃蛋清,不吃蛋黄。9月10日开始,武汉科技大学新生王一虎吃鸡蛋的数量由每天30个增至每天50个。  王一虎认为,多吃鸡蛋可以长肌肉,他想练好身体,参加武术比赛,将来开武馆。  王一虎今年从监利三中考入武科大计算机专业。听北京通州一位好友说吃蛋清可强身健体,从7月8日开始,他每天坚持吃30个鸡蛋,至今已吃近3000个鸡蛋。其中,8月有一周“因
本文介绍了2013年电力工业及热电联产情况,6000kw及以上供热机组达到25182×104kwh,已占火电机组总量84891×104kw的29.13%. 本文介绍了超临界350MW机组的节能,它比亚临界3
摘要:《综合实践活动指导纲要》明确指出:“综合实践活动是基于学生的直接经验、密切联系学生自身生活和社会生活、体现对知识综合运用的实践性课程。”回顾几年来的活动开展情况,可以说是尝尽了其中的酸甜苦辣,深有感触……  关键词:自主探究;实践;活动  一、自主探究是实施综合实践活动课程的关键  四年级上册综合实践活动课的第二课是蔬菜宝宝的秘密,它的主题教学目标是:通过探究活动,了解蔬菜的种植过程和生长规
根据国际能源总署(International Energy Agency,简称IEA)之2014 年能源技术展望(2014 Energy Technology Perspectives,简称ETP)报告中指出,若欲抑制增温摄氏2 ℃以下时,则
与当年韩文公的“文起八代之衰”多少有点相似,这些年,已届耄耋之年的张中行先生闯入落寞的雅文学领地,驻足于其时已呈衰势的那种孱弱文体之间,以 In the past years, Mr.