A new construction for perfect threshold schemes

来源 :第五届全国组合数学与图论大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adzqx2009
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  A perfect (t, w, v;m)-threshold scheme is a simple w-uniform hypergraph (X,A), where X is a set of v points (which we refer to as shadows), together with a partition of the block set A into m parts, say A ={A1,…, Am}, such that the following properties are satisfied:1.if B ∈ Ai and B ∈ Aj, where i ≠ j, then |B ∩ B| < t (i.e., all blocks containing any fixed subset S of t shadows occur in the same Ai),2.for any subset S of t < t shadows, there exists a non-negative integer λ(S) such that for every i (1 ≤ i ≤ m) there are exactly λ(S) blocks B such that S (∩) B ∈ Ai (i.e., there are the same number of blocks containing a subset S of t < t shadows in each of the m Ais).
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一念之差,真爱已不再有  对于一个破灭了大学梦而又不忍再让下岗父母养活的女孩来说,外出打工是惟一的出路。  辗转到北京一家酒楼当服务员,已是我的第三个工作了。和女伴一起出来时,父母有言在先:不许进酒店包房当小姐,咱宁肯饿死也不做辱没家门的事。我牢记在心,先在浙江村一家服装厂当缝纫工,太苦太闷受不了,不久便离开了。后来又做了一段时间化妆品直销员,台风般的宣传横扫过去后,商情冷漠,我不得不再找工作。这