浅谈对培根论述文体的翻译的忠实性及原作风格的再现——评价of marriage and single life两个中文译本

来源 :语言与文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jica330
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本文从译文与原文的总体风貌的对比、译文对原文的忠实程度以及再现原文风格方面评价了“of marriage and single life”的两个中文译本——水天同和何新的译本,认为水天同的译本在对原文的忠实程度,以及对原作风格的表现上都优于何新的译本,指出一篇文学译作要尽量忠实于原文,准确表达原文的思想内容,只有忠实原文才能更好地传达原作的风格。 This paper evaluates the two Chinese versions of “of marriage and single life” - Shuitong Tong and He Xin’s translations, from the comparison of the overall style of the translation with the original text, the degree of loyalty of the original text and the style of the original text, The translation of Tien Hsun is superior to any new version in its faithfulness to the original texts and the performance of the original style, pointing out that a literary translation should be as faithful to the original text as possible and accurate in expressing the ideological content of the original text, and only faithful original text can be better To convey the style of the original.
人体的五脏六腑与十二条经络对气血的运行起着重要作用,而每条经络又都有其兴衰的时辰。  从古到今已被证明:在每条经络最旺的时辰,运用相关的芳香疗法及补养精油,或针对不同的经络,使用相对应的补养芳香精油,其疗效可以高出若干倍。    子时(23点至1点)胆胫最旺上床睡觉,利于骨髓造血    养生学认为“肝之余气,泻于胆,聚而成精。胆为中正之官,五脏六腑取决于胆。气以壮胆,邪不能侵。胆气虚则怯,气短,谋