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近年来,无偿献血服务志愿工作在全国各地发展非常迅速,志愿者的数量不断增加,志愿者的参与,大大促进了无偿献血事业的发展,其所发挥的作用也日渐突出。我们结合近六年来的志愿服务工作实践,谈谈无偿献血服务志愿者的几点影响和作用。 In recent years, the volunteer work of unpaid blood donation services has developed very rapidly throughout the country. The number of volunteers has been on the rise. The participation of volunteers has greatly promoted the development of unpaid blood donation and has played an increasingly prominent role. We have combined the practice of voluntary service work in the past six years to talk about the impact and contribution of voluntary blood donation volunteers.
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