Measurement of the branching ratio of 1890s for NEET

来源 :二O一一年全国核反应会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daitiejian
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  Nuclear excitation by electron transition (NEET) is a very fundamental mechanism of atomic deexcitation.In the last decades a series of experiments have been performed to study the NEET probability (PNEET) of 189Os because of its special atomic and nuclear energy level structure.And the determination of the PNEET of 189Os involves a crucial parameter B-the branching ratio for populating the isomer state from the 69.535-keV nuclear state in 189Os nucleus.However so far there is no experimental measurement of B to verify the calculated value (~ 1.2×10-3).In this work, we propose an experiment using monochromatic x-ray beam to try to determine the value of B.Furthermore the requirements of the x-ray beam are given and the feasibility of the experiment on Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) is discussed.
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