目的 分析卵巢支持-间质细胞肿瘤的CT表现特点,以提高该病的诊断及鉴别诊断水平。方法 回顾性分析8例经手术病理证实的卵巢支持-间质细胞肿瘤的CT表现,并分析其CT征象。结果 8例卵巢支持-间质细胞肿瘤中,1例呈多房囊性病变,增强扫描囊壁可见壁结节明显强化;7例表现为边界清晰的囊实性或实性肿块,且实性成份有不同程度的强化:明显强化4例,中度强化2例,轻度强化1例。其中,5例睾酮水平持续升高,2例泌乳
Objective To study the correlation of 99mTc-HL91 imaging with HIF-1α expression for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC).Method 12 patients with pathologically proven NPCs were enrolled into the study befor
Objective To evaluate the clinical features, radiological findings and risk factors affecting the diagnosis of solitary pulmonary nodules (SPN) by literature review and statistical analysis, and to se
目的 评估60Co陀螺刀低分割再程放疗治疗老年中晚期肝癌患者的临床价值方法 选择60Co陀螺刀首程放疗后达部分缓解,肝功能损害未加重、无恶病质倾向的老年中晚期原发性肝癌患者,根据肿瘤的位置、临床靶体积制定放疗计划,分割处方剂量为每次2.8~3.8 Gy,平均每次3 Gy;治疗次数为8~12次,平均每个周期为10次,PTV 40%~60%等剂量线内边缘总放射剂量为22.4~45.5 Gy,每天一次.
Objective Gastric cancer (GC) is a diffuse disease with extensively poor prognosis.To guide clinicians in selecting treatment options for GC patients, reliable markers predictive of poor clinical outc
Objective: To investigate the feasibility and efficacy of consolidation chemotherapy of ovary and oviduct malignant epithelial tumors.Method We have retrospectively analysised eight patients who had b
Objective We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of intravenous (Ⅳ) plus intraperitoneal (IP) chemotherapy compared to intravenous (Ⅳ) chemotherapy alone for patients with gastric cancer.Me
Objective Metaplastic breast carcinoma (MBC) is a rare heterogeneous group of primary breast malignancies, and has low hormone receptor expression and poor outcomes.As so far, no prognostic markers fo
患者,男,30岁,眼部检查:右眼视力为1.0,左眼为1.0.右眼球向前方突出.Hertel眼球突出计测量:右眼为20.5 mm,左眼为14.0 mm,眶距为100 mm.右眶内眼球颞侧可触及肿物前极,质硬,不能推动.下睑内翻,睫毛触及角膜,球结膜混合充血,高度水肿.巩膜无黄染,角膜透明,前房深浅可,房水闪辉(-),虹膜纹理清楚,瞳孔圆形,直径约3mm,直接和间接对光反射灵敏,晶状体透明,玻璃体清晰
Objective To evaluate the value of combined detection of serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA),cytokeratin 19 fragment (CYFRA21-1), and carbohydrateantigen 125 (CA125) for the clinical diagnosis of non