破粉碎加工作业多见于选矿 瓷器、耐火材料及水泥等行业。这种作业是厂矿企业生产过程中主要扬尘源之一。为了确保职工在生产过程中的安全与健康,笔者就企业加强破粉碎作业的防尘管理,建立科学的管理指标体系问题进行了调查研究,提出了对破粉碎作业企业的七项指标,并以此来考核
Broken crushing operations more common in mineral processing porcelain, refractory and cement industries. This operation is one of the main sources of dust in the production of factories and mines. In order to ensure the safety and health of workers in the process of production, the author investigated the anti-dust management of the enterprise for strengthening the dust-proofing operation and establishing the scientific management index system, and put forward seven indicators for the crushing operation enterprises This assessment