Immune System Dysregulation in Schizophrenia

来源 :BIT`s 3rd Annual World Congress of NeuroTalk-2012(2012第三届国际神 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luoqiuqiu80
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  Psychoneuroimmunology aims to investigate reciprocal interactions of the immune system and central nervous system and then to translate these effects to a deeper understanding of their influence on behavior and mental illness.Schizophrenia has been for decades the subject of immunological research demonstrating specific and non-specific dysfunctions of immune subsystems.Many observations of immune dysregulation in schizophrenia overlap with central etiopathophysiological mechanisms as well as with clinical manifestations of the illness.Moreover immunotherapy offers the opportunity to modify or re-balance the immune system and may become useful in management of the illness.So far the research has shown the association of schizophrenia with higher prevalence of autoimmune disorders in patients and their relatives, association with particular MHC haplotypes, cytokine dysregulation, presence of acute phase proteins, morphological changes in immunocompetent cells, elevated titers of wide range of specific and nonspecific antibodies, as well as activation of microglia in central nervous system.In my research I have investigated CTLA-4 and CD28 gene polymorphisms with respect to symptomatololgy of schizophrenia.CTLA-4 and CD28 are two related receptors expressed on cell surfaces, which despite the fact that they bind the same ligands, they mediate differentially regulation of T-cell activity.CD28 is a major co-stimulator whereas CTLA-4 performs negative regulatory functions.The polymorphisms of these genes have been implied previously as conferring the susceptibility to many disorders having immune basis.In my research I have shown that although CTLA-4 and CD28 gene polymorphisms showed only trend-level associations with schizophrenia according to ICD-10 and DSM-Ⅳ criteria, there were significant differences in distribution of alleles and genotypes between controls and patients fulfilling criteria of St.Louis probable schizophrenia and Crows subtype 2 schizophrenia.Moreover, the analysis of symptomatology showed significant differences in polymorphic variants of CTLA-4 gene between patients with no co-occurrence between psychotic and affective symptoms and patients with psychotic symptoms dominating the clinical picture.
一、西方美术史中的风格学方法以及发展  西方美术史中的风格学研究方法由温克尔曼和布克哈特等艺术家首创,经过格尔、沃尔夫林等艺术家进一步完善后,最终成为西方艺术史研究的重要方法之一。把风格的概念引入美术史的研究,改变了艺术史缺少时代性、民族性、区域性和演化过程的现状,使艺术史成为一门真正的学科。  风格学的概念起源于18世纪理性主义哲学的思潮,启蒙思想家们认为人类有着共同的理性,即在一种具有相对稳定
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