【摘 要】
This paper summarized the research works related to the electro-spinning technology and principles. A detailed analysis is conducted on the electrochromie mecha
【机 构】
Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, 201620, China
【出 处】
This paper summarized the research works related to the electro-spinning technology and principles. A detailed analysis is conducted on the electrochromie mechanism of the polyaniline composites, the characterization of the polyaniline superfine fiber is provided for the analysis of polyaniline composites. Prospects through electro-spinning polyaniline composite fiber have been made to improve the microstructure and electrical conductivity and mechanical properties, so as to improve its electrochromie properties.
In this study, the XRD, FT-IR and DSC were used to characterize the crystallinity, functional groups and thermal properties of Parster fiber. Adsorption kinetic
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A small accident out o
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