
来源 :第三届全国斑马鱼研究大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maxiao912
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  脂肪酸在机体的能量提供和细胞膜构成等诸多方面发挥重要作用.其碳链上含有2个以上双键的脂肪酸被称作为多不饱和脂肪酸(Polyunsaturated fatty acids,PUFA),其中最为重要的PUFA 有omega-6 和omega-3 两大类.omega-3 PUFA,如EPA、DHA 等是人体重要的必需脂肪酸,被认为可以有效缓解心血管疾病,II 型糖尿病,抑制过激的炎症反应等.脊椎动物的基因组中缺乏delta-12 和omega-3 去饱和酶,无法从头合成EPA 和DHA 等omega-3 不饱和脂肪酸.因此,包括我们人类在内的脊椎动物需要从食物中摄取EPA 和DHA等omega-3 PUFA,以满足正常的生理和健康需求.深海鱼类是获取EPA、DHA 等omega-3PUFA 的主要来源.随着海洋渔业资源的萎缩,开发omega-3 PUFA 生产新途径的需求日渐迫切.
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  The zebrafish represents a fascinating model for studying key aspects of the vertebrate circadian clock.In Neurospora crassa,FRH,an RNA helicase,forms a com
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  We have developed a robust in vivo small-molecule screen that modulates heart size and cardiomyocyte generation in zebrafish.Three structurally related comp
  The importance of microRNAs(miRNAs)in cardiovascular development is now broadly accepted as crucial regulators and dysregulation of their expression has bee
  Zebrafish is an excellent model for circadian studies.Lack of mutants for circadian clock genes,however,has hindered zebrafish circadian research.Here,we us
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