CREB (cAMP response element binding protein), as prototypical stimulus-inducible transcription factor, play an important role in the development, function and p
Ticks, as obligate blood-sucking epizoic arthropod, transmit a great variety of infectious pathogens and cause enormous damage to human health, animal husbandry
老年人在睡前进行一种简便易行的按摩与气功结合的保健功,能促进内气运行,从而起到平衡阴阳、疏通经络、调整气血、祛病保健的作用。 一、每晚临睡前,面北静坐3~5分钟(闭目盘
Insect contains diverse forms of chitin to constitute unique physical barriers including exoskeleton and peritrophic matrix.Chitin-remodeling enzymes that play
Storage Area Network(SAN)是针对大容量服务应用环境下的存储解决方案,它是位服务器后面的存储网络,所有的服务器可以通过这个网络对任意的存储介质进行读取和写入,而且通
Eicosanoids are a group of oxygenated C20 polyunsaturated fatty acids.They mediate various insect physiological processes including reproduction, excretion, and