目的我们通过对河北骨髓库志愿者基因分型检测,进一步研究HLA-A*0209基因在河北汉族人群中的分布情况方法应用聚合酶链反应-直接测序分型(polymerase chaireaction seque nce-based typing,PCR-SBT)法对6250名中国造血干细胞捐献者资料库河北省分库健康志愿捐献者进行基因分型
Objective To further investigate the distribution of HLA-A * 0209 gene in Hebei Han population through genotyping of Hebei bone marrow volunteers.Methods We used polymerase chain reaction-direct sequencing (PCR) PCR-SBT) method to genotype 6250 Chinese hematopoietic stem cell donors database of healthy volunteer donors in Hebei sub-database