【摘 要】
The genus Lambertella is one of the largest genera in the family Rutstroemiaceae.The species of Lambertella varies widely in habitat, and predominantly occu
【机 构】
Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Tsukuba University, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-
【出 处】
Asian Mycological Congress 2013 and The 13th International M
The genus Lambertella is one of the largest genera in the family Rutstroemiaceae.The species of Lambertella varies widely in habitat, and predominantly occur on leaves and fruits but also less commonly on roots, twigs, herbaceous stems, and fruit bodies of other fungi.The major diagnostic characteristics to define Lambertella are the substratal stroma and the pigmentation of ascospores which may occur before or after discharge.
11月,已经是深秋天气。在我国的北方,那凛冽的西北风早已吹落了树上的叶子,只剩下光秃秃的树干树枝抗拒着清冷。而在闽北的武夷山却仍然是一片生机盎然的碧绿。这天,我随一个旅游团队来到这世界文化与自然遗产武夷山。在这里,我陶醉在武夷山那仙境般的青山绿水之中,而武夷山那深厚的文化底蕴更震人心弦,禁不住的思古之情油然而生。 武夷书院思朱子 走进武夷山,青山环抱、绿树掩映中有一片古色古香的建筑。山
一、什么是老年人的快乐 赫洛克和胡海国等人认为快乐在各年龄阶段的意义是不一样的,他们对老年人的快乐作了如下的定义: 健康、经济上有安全感,被社会接受,不会感到寂寞,觉得自己有所用,有信仰,感到满足。老年人不能以年轻人的快乐来感受快乐,然而老年人的快乐,最重要的仍然是他所做的事。 这就是说老年人如果能做一些力所能及的事,能为社会和家人服务,就觉得活得有用而感到快乐。 据心理学的观点,无论哪一
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This research was to study diversity of endophytic fungi from sixteen samples of healthy plant samples collected from Mu Koh Aungtong National Park, Surat T
The genus Umbelopsis (Umbelopsidaceae, Mucorales, Mucoromycotina) is characterized by forming: 1) velvety and often colored colonies, 2) a low and dense lay
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