【摘 要】
Mycotoxin contamination in the food chain has caused serious health issues in humans and animals.Thus, a rapid on-site and lab-independent detection method
【机 构】
Oil Crops Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan,P.R.China
【出 处】
Mycotoxin contamination in the food chain has caused serious health issues in humans and animals.Thus, a rapid on-site and lab-independent detection method for mycotoxins, such as aflatoxins (AFTs), is desirable.Microfluidic chip based immunosensor technology is one of the most promising methods for fast mycotoxin assays.In this review, we cover the major microfluidic immunosensors used for mycotoxin analysis, via flow-through (capillary electromigration) and lateral flow technology.Sample preparation from different matrices of agricultural products and foodstuffs is summarized.The choice of materials, fabrication strategies, and detection methods formicrofluidic immunosensors are further discussed in detail.The sensors application in mycotoxin determination is also outlined.Finally, future challenges and opportunities are discussed.
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【摘要】初中英语教学的目的是使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识,培养学生在交际中初步运用英语的能力。因此,在日常英语教学中口语交际能力的培养显得尤其重要。本文针对口语教学中存在的困难及解决问题的对策两方面进行了探讨,并形成了初步的意 见。 【关键词】口语教学;困难;对策 【中图分类号】G633.41 【文献标识码】 C【文章编号】1671-1270(2010)04-0080-02 初中英语