【摘 要】
Cancer results from the interaction of multiple aberrations including activation of dominant oncogenes and upregulation of signal transduetion pathways.An i
【机 构】
The Hebrew University/Hadassah Medical School Israel
【出 处】
BIT Life Sciences' 1st Annual World Cancer Congess-2008(
Cancer results from the interaction of multiple aberrations including activation of dominant oncogenes and upregulation of signal transduetion pathways.An important example of such genes is Vav 1, a cytoplasmic signal transducer protein initially identified as an oncogene.Physiological expression of Vavl is restricted to the hematopoietic system, where its best-known function is as a GDP/GTP nucleotide exchange factor for Rho/RacGTPases, an activity strictly controlled by tyrosine phosphorylation.Vav 1 regulates cytoskeletal rearrangement during activation of hematopoietic cells, as well as activation of JNK, ERK, Ras, NF-kB, and NFAT pathways.It also associates with numerous adapter proteins.Since its discovery, research on Vav1 has cycled between understanding its physiological function in the hematopoiefic system and understanding how it is dysregulated as a truncated oneogene in fibroblasts.
Cancer is characterized by global epigenetic changes.One hallmark of, which received limited attention is the global loss of DNA methylation.We will present
中国人有饮茶的习惯,且历史悠久。我国古代就有茶筵,即以茶宴客。唐代以后,饮茶风盛,上自君王,下至百姓,皆多喜好。宋代茶宴遍行全国。明清以后,大江南北,茶坊林立。迄今的茶话会,以及民间的茶汤会社或宗教仪式的茶汤会,无疑均为茶宴的遗风。作为社交的礼仪,茶宴雅而不俗,俭而不吝,又合养生之道,有益于身心之健康。 一、茶的品种及名茶举例 1.茶的品种 按茶的性状来看,茶大体可分清茶、花茶、红茶3大类。
We report a construction of a minimal mathematical model, based on experimental observations, for the tissuespecific molecular-cellular endogenous network w
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