【摘 要】
Since chemoresistance is a complicated and multifactorial factor in breast cancer,systematically characterize metabolic perturbation of endogenous compounds
【机 构】
Lab of Metabolomics, Key Laboratory of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, China Pharmaceutical Un
Since chemoresistance is a complicated and multifactorial factor in breast cancer,systematically characterize metabolic perturbation of endogenous compounds associated with drug resistance may providecandidate biomarkers or novel drug targets.The current study examined the different metabolites between senstivebreast cancer MCF-7/S and adriamycin-resistant MCF-7/Adr and their differentresponse to adriamycin.GC-TOF/MS-based metabonomic analysis revealed the different metabolic patterns between these two cell lines and the discriminatory metabolites suggested the nucleotides metabolism,glutathione biosynthesis,glucose metabolism and glycerol metabolism were reprogrammed.These
Curcumin,a major active principle of Curcuma longa,has been applied in the effective management of stress and depression-related disorders in China.In the p
本文观察黄芩总黄酮(Total Flavonoids of Scutellaria Baicalensis,TFSB)对博莱霉素(Bleomycin,BLX)致大鼠肺纤维化的干预作用,并初步探讨其抗肺纤维化作用机制与TGF-β/Sma
真正的诗 1985年10月,曹辛之的诗选《最初的蜜》出版发行。这本诗人自己设计、格调高雅、造型挺秀的长三十二开本的小书一呈现在读者面前,就得到了文艺界及广大文学爱好者的好评。书中收录的虽是上世纪40年代的作品,但是,那些寄情、言志、咏物的小诗情真意切,蕴含哲理,引人回味、深思。 曹辛之是江苏宜兴人,从小就养成了酷爱书籍和写写画画的习惯。1936年十九岁时,他在中共地下党员吴伯文、孔厥等领导
本研究旨在探讨调节胶质瘤干细胞Cathepsin L及自噬活性对胶质瘤干细胞(glioma stem cells,GSCs)辐射敏感性的影响及Cathepsin L及自噬活性对胶质瘤干细胞与辐射抗性的关键联
沙金红杏果实卵圆形 ,单果重50~80g,果皮底色橙黄、阳面粉红 ,果肉橙黄色 ,离核 ,品质上 ,是鲜食兼加工的好品种。七月初成熟 ,采收期集中 ,若不能及时销售或加工 ,就会造成果实大