曲阜孔林为我国重点旅游地之一。位于东径116°59′,北纬35°37′,总面积约2,380,000余平方米。林内碑碣林立,坟墓遍布,杂草丛生,枯树参天,有的树长达数百年之久,并有很多树洞,因此形成了伊蚊孳生的良好场所。国内汉城伊蚊(Aedes Seuolensis)的调查资料,最早在1938年冯
Qufu Konglin is one of the key tourist destinations in China. Located at 116 ° 59 ’east and 35 ° 37’N, the total area is about 2,380,000 square meters. The forest is full of monumentations, graves, weeds, withered trees, trees that last for hundreds of years, and many tree-holes, thus forming a good breeding ground for Aedes mosquitoes. Survey data of Aedes Seuolensis, the earliest in China in 1938