Diagnostic performance of multiplex cytokine and chemokine assay for tuberculosis

来源 :2012科学研究与结核病防治高峰论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lihonggeng
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  Simultaneous detection of multiple biomarkers might lead to improved diagnostic performance for Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.In this study,we screened soluble biomarkers that had significant differences in patients with active tuberculosis and healthy controls and evaluated the diagnostic performance of the multiplex cytokine/chemokine assay.Overall.178 patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis,156 healthy individuals and 35 patients with bacterial pneumonia or lung cancer were evaluated.Among the 16 soluble biomarkers screened by the microbead-based multiplex assay,five cytokines/chemokines including IFN-γ.IP-10,MIG,TNF-α and IL-2 that showed most significant differ-ences between active pulmonary tuberculosis patients and healthy controls were selected for further analysis.When analyzed individually,both IP-10 and MIG had sensitivity and specificity comparable to IFN-γ in detection of active TB.Combined detection of IFN-γ,IP-10 and MIG had significantly improved sensitivity and specificity as compared with individual cytokine and chemokine detection.The responsive levels of IFN-γ,IP-10,MIG,TNF-α and IL-2 were significantly lower in re-treatment pulmonary tuberculosis patients than in new tuberculosis patients.It is concluded that combined IFN-γ,IP-10,MIG multiplex detection had better diagnostic performance for tuberculosis than the individual cytokine/ chemokine assays.The re-treatment pulmonary tuberculosis patients had poor responses to ESAT-6/CFP-10 peptides stimulation.
对 10种原材料和 37个配方进行实验 ,筛选出一个适合金针菇深层发酵的培养基配方 :麸皮 50g ,黄豆粉 50 g ,蔗糖 10 g ,磷酸二氢钾 1.0 g ,硫酸镁 0 .5g ,水 10 0 0mL ,pH自
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