At present,the studies of regional integrated transport corridor mainly focus on the planning and construction of transport corridor.Fewer studies investigate harmonious operations among different modes of transport after the completion of transport corridor construction.Regional comprehensive corridor takes on the characteristics of heavy transport demand,supply and travel modes.Meanwhile,competition is severe among different travel modes.In order to avoid vicious competition among different travel modes that negatively impact the transportation market,multi-objective and nonlinear programming model is established with the purpose to maximize the unity of traveler.The objective of this model is to realize mutual adaptation between transport demand volume and supply volume.Tournament selection is applied to weeding out the inferior solution with the concept of non-inferior solutions.The solution that does not meet the nonlinear constraints is obsoleted in the selection process by using the penalty function.Solutions that do not meet the linear and boundary constraints after crossover and mutation process are transferred to feasible solution space via repair algorithm.Pareto optimal solution set is obtained through continuous selection,crossover and mutation.At last,a numeric example demonstrates validity and feasibility of the model.