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大豆子叶中有三种主要的脂氧酶(Lox),这些酶的催化产物可转变为有“豆腥味”的己烯醇或己烯醛类小分子,是影响大豆食用品质、储藏品质和加工品质的重要抗营养因子之一。因此,用分子标记辅助选择加速培育脂氧酶缺失近等基因系的研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。 本研究以我国的黄淮地区高产、高蛋白、抗大豆花叶病毒病的优良品种鲁豆4号为受体,以美国和韩国引进的两套Lox-s缺失体材料为供体进
Traditional exoskeletons have made considerable contributions to people in terms of providing wearable assistance and rehabilitation.However,exoskeletons still
Electroencephalogram (EEG) based brain-computer interfaces allow users to communicate with the extal envi-ronment by means of their EEG signals, without relying
Uplink non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is a promising technique to meet the requirements of the fifth generation (5G) and beyond systems. Various NOMA sch
We investigate the adaptive tracking problem for the longitudinal dynamics of state-constrained airbreathing hypersonic vehicles, where not only the velocity an
病虫害、不良外界环境等影响小麦产量和品质,提高小麦对病虫及逆境的抗性是小麦育种的主要目标。小麦近缘物种簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa L.)具有抗白粉病、抗黄花叶病、抗全蚀病、抗眼斑病、分蘖力强、小穗数多、耐旱以及籽粒蛋白质含量高等优良性状,其4V染色体上携带有抗黄花叶病、抗全蚀病、抗眼斑病以及编码醇溶蛋白的有益基因。培育小麦-簇毛麦小片段易位,特别是中间插入易位,不仅能够降低外源不利