A Study on Employee Motivation:Case of CPCD in Vietnam

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Human Resource Management is an important factor of any organization.  Each organization can only reach its objectives when their employees workeffectively, efficiently and creatively.Besides the basic working conditions,employees only contribute their best efforts to the organization when they aremotivated.Thus, motivating employees is one of the most important priorities of anyorganization.However, many organizations have not realized that and that planningfor motivating employees is not considered as part of the overall strategic plan,especially state run organizations is a specific example.They consider they work asmissions because they receive a salary.  In recent years when Vietnam joined the World Trade Organisation (WTO),there were more and more job opportunities for everyone in the labor market.However, the brain drain has happened and gradually increased year by year.Employees have a trend to move to other organizations in which they hope to havebetter conditions, respect and compensation.This issue has a direct impact to civilservants who work in the Governmental Agencies.The employees, especially theskilled and experienced ones, always consider positions between state run agencies,the private sector as well as foreign organizations when they have the opportunity tochange their jobs, whilst others dislike and neglect their work.It is possible that thestate run agencies may know this, but they have not considered it as an importantfactor in order to promote, encourage and keep their employees committed to theorganization.The management policy modes become the mechanism for all agenciesfrom central to provincial offices.  In the fact that there is a lot of research, as well as the desire to find out thereasons affecting the working behavior and also the desire of employees in theGovernment organizations, but it was still considered unnecessary in the overallstrategy of the organization.Human Management methods have been applied as aformula such as after having been recruited, employees have to participate in anorientation course and after three years service, salary will be increased to the nextlevel.....This procedure has been inadequately applied to almost all of the state runorganizations and the Child Protection and Care Department (CPCD), which isunacceptable.The CPCD has been one of the administrative agencies of Ministry ofLabor, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA) since 2007.The departments principalresponsibilities are supporting the prime Minister in implementing state managementfunctions on child protection and care sectors for the whole country based on the legalsystem.With the new member of MOLISA, the department had to face the changes ofrestructuring of the organization and the changing social trends it also had manydifficulties in Human Management;especially with employees not enthused theirperformances, others moved out....These issues affected and are still affecting theorganizations operation to some degree.  Also, the department leaders have not yet considered which factors affect thework behavior of employees as well as the motivation factors of employees.  Therefore, how to enhance employee motivation in the CPCD is an important andessential requirement.I am eager to study the factors that impact the workingbehavior of employees and find the factors that support them to work harder.Throughthe research on "A Study on Employee Motivation: Case of CPCD in Vietnam", Iintend to show the real picture of employee motivation and display how themotivation factors influence the work behavior of employees, consequently inconclusion, to find solutions for enhancing CPCD employee motivation.  Based on some theories that have been studied, I concluded the related factorsto be a theory frame for researching motivating employees at CPCD.The researchshowed that motivation is influenced by both financial and non-financial incentives.  The main motivating factors for employees in the CPCD were appreciation bymanagers, colleagues, peers, a stable job, income and training opportunities.The maindiscouraging factors were related to low salaries and difficult working conditions.
摘 要:加拉米安是20世纪小提琴教育界杰出的代表人物,为小提琴的教育理论发展做出了很大贡献。他提出的很多小提琴教学理念都具有极强的时代性,他的教学理论专著受到广泛关注,成为当今小提琴演奏者和教师必读的小提琴学习书目之一。加拉米安的小提琴教学理论很有条理,而且比较规范。在教学的过程中我们可以通过加入直观的图片和加拉米安的教学录像来对一些应用技巧细节进行分析,范围包括抽象以及具体的教学观和艺术观。文章
摘 要:中职学前教育专业是为培养学前教育方面的高素质人才而设立的学科。在幼儿教育中,美术是启迪幼儿智慧的重要学科,在幼儿成长过程中具有重要意义。在当前专业学科发展的过程中,存在许多阻碍创新力量发展的问题,限制了学生专业素养的提升和综合素质的提高。因此,文章将针对现阶段中职学前教育专业的教育情况,分析和阐述在中职学前教育专业中美术教学创新能力培养的重要性和相关的教学策略。  关键词:中职;学前教育专
本刊讯:金华日报社新闻研究室副主任杨子平的新闻理论专著《报媒的新闻创新与坚守》最近由光明日报出版社出版。 Journal: Jinhua Daily News Research Institute deputy di