The Chinese Investment in Laos(2000-2015)

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Along the last 10 years, the GDP growth annual of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (LaoPDR) were between 7% and 8%, thanks, among others, to the Investments of the localenterprises and the Foreign Direct Investments.The foreign enterprises are playing an importantrole in Lao economy.  One of the main investor countries in Lao PDR, between the 2000 and 2015, was The PeoplesRepublic of China, with the amount of US$ 5,484 billion.According to the Ministry of Planningand Investment, there are more than 50 countries investing in Laos.  This paper wants to analyses the investment of China in Lao (PDR.) As we have seen, theChinese Enterprises has contributed to the growth of economics in Laos in some extents.Themajor results seem to be the rapid development of the country economy and the livelihood oflocals.  Is important to analyze the role of the government institutions that are working to promoting andattract foreign direct investments to Laos, how are the policies and the benefits for the foreignenterprises in different sectors of the economy, among others.  This paper is divided into seven chapters:The first chapter commence from the introduction part, this chapter mainly elaborates theresearch background, the significance, the mentality, the method use, the analysis of thedomestic and foreign research review, the propose of the innovation and deficiency of the paper;The second chapter is the Literature Review, where we make a summary of the main sources ofthe theoretical basis of the international investment theory, the enterprise internationalizationmanagement theory and the enterprise cross cultural management theory for the theoretical basisfor the empirical analysis;  The third chapter, about the Methodology, we will use the SWOT analysis method.The strengthsand weaknesses, the opportunities and threats on Chinese enterprises are studied from twoaspects of the internal and external environment;  The fourth chapter is related to the Presentation of Data, with sources from The Ministry ofPlanning and Investment of Laos-Investment Promotion Department; The World BankDatabase; The Doing Business, etc.  The fifth chapter analyzes the Data and Facts from the sources related with our subject of theresearch.  The sixth chapter is the Discussion and Interpretation of Findings, using the theoretical basisversus our opinions.  The last chapter are the conclusion, implications and Recommendations of the paper about theChinese investments in Laos.
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