
来源 :青岛大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mimistart
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[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the effect of glial fibrillary acidic protein and glutamine synthetase in retina Müller cell in vitro on transporting Glutamate in the condition of high concentration of glutamate. Methods: 1 The primary retinal cells were purified by the constant-temperature shaking method. Müller cell was identified by immunocytochemistry staining of GFAP and GS. Afterwards we observed the general appearance by Hematoxylin and Eosin staining (H-E staining) 2 50mM glutamate was added in the early passaged medium 1 day and 4 days before determing the activity of Müller cells by MTT chromatometry. Then we observed the general appearance by H-E staining again. We performed immunocytochemistry staining of GFAP and GS on Müller cell again , and compared the difference of the expression of them by computerized micro-imaging analysis system. Results: The activity of Müller cell was enhanced, the expression of GFAP was improved, but there was no significant difference in morphological changes and the expression of GS. Conclusions: The constant temperature shaking method provides a rapid and reliable method for purification of retinal Müller cells. GFAP、 GS were expressed in retinal Müller cells in normal physiological condition in vitro. GFAP takes part in transporting of glutamate and will increase in the early period when the cell is stressed.GS ,the key enzyme in transformating glutamate to glutamine,also takes part in transporting of glutamate, and will not increase in the early period when the cell is stressed. In some pathological changes the concentration of extracellular will increase. The increase in transporting but lag in metabolism is motivation of cytotoxic effect of glutamate, which causes the cell damage.
背景 癫痫是儿童神经系统的常见病,约25%-30%的癫痫病人为难治性癫痫,即用药物治疗得不到有效的控制。人类的颞叶癫痫是一种难治性癫痫,颞叶癫痫被认为与海马损伤有关,主要与海
目的:研究基质金属蛋白酶1(Matrix Metalloproteinase-1,MMP-1)与组织型纤溶酶原激活因子(Tissue Plasminogen Activator, t-PA)联合用药对兔增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(Prolife
七月以来,温度持续在38℃上下徘徊。从36层的巨幅窗幕望出去,感觉远处的湖和绿树环绕的建筑都被罩上一层厚重的黄金甲。隔着玻璃,也时常能感觉到这股滚烫热浪。  温度太高,湿度也极大,但凡待过的人都知道,武汉的夏天绝不好捱。时而高温如身处第九层蒸笼,时而撒几场阵雨,人人都是碳炉上滋滋作响的烤肉。  可我还是控制不住对这个季节的热爱。  或许是生日就在这个繁夏的关系,当我写下这篇专栏,距离30岁只剩下4
目的:本研究通过体外培养人肾小球内皮细胞(HGECs),筛选血管紧张素Ⅱ(Ang II)对HGECs合适的作用浓度与时间,探讨血管紧张素1-7(Ang1-7)对HGECs的作用及可能机制。  方法 1方法1.HGE
一  文学院的周乔患有“少女病”,人尽皆知。  他病得太过明显,隐藏不了。  他有一头乌黑浓密的披肩长发,有时候披散开,有时候扎起来,不管哪个时候,都很少女。  他喜欢穿宽松的衣服,夏天穿彩色韩版宽松T恤、中性的老爹裤,冬天穿黑色或白色面包羽绒服,不管哪个季节,都很少女。  其实这些也还好,让别人受不了的是,他偶尔还会做美甲,涂口红。  “好恶心啊,他是有什么心理疾病吧?”  “对对对,我看小乔今
雪越下越大,覆盖了血污和苦痛,留下纯白的寂静。狂风席卷而来,吹散了嘶鸣。  一  宁州是古南梁朝的王都,这儿随处可见的便是桃树。待到春日,夜幕低垂,月出东山时,这早开的花便被裹挟进夜风之中,纷纷扬扬落入西江里。  这些桃树大多数都是在南梁时植起的,传言当时上京全城都植桃树。只不过若是从稗官野史里细究种桃的渊源,却会发现这不算是个风月故事。  西江学舍坐落在西江江畔的一座别院里。这别院门户极小,但室