Research on Centralized Integrated Information System for Airport Performance(FNA-Sierra Leone)

来源 :合肥工业大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tao009
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Airport decision makers are frequently facing complex decision-making problemsrelated to airport planning,design,and operations. The airport decision-makingprocess is further perplexed by the large number of stakeholders having different,andsometimes conflicting,objectives regarding the assessment of the airport performancE.Despite the rich experience in both systems and tools for airport performance analysis,but still yet the existing systems and tools address only fragmented parts of the airportdecision-making process and operations. At present,airport stakeholders lack theprecise systems and tools able to provide an integrated view of the total airportprocesses and analyze the tradeoffs between the various measures of airporteffectiveness. This paper is to examine and analyze these existing systems,conceptsand tools of total airport performance in Sierra Leone,Guinea,Gambia and to visiblycompare the existing system at the Guangzhou Baiyun International airport GBIAChina,in order to map out ways of developing a Centralized Integrated InformationSystems in Freetown International Airport (Sierra Leone) based on its ExistingManagement Financial Information System,which will enhance airport business,operations,performance with maximum throughput and cost effectivE.Keywords: Decision-making problems,Lack the precise systems and tools,Toexamine existing systems and concepts,Developing a Centralized IntegratedInformation Systems.
2007年1月6日《现代快报》A3版上,刊有一篇小评论,其标题为“搞清楚,教育可不是办企业”。文中有这样一句话:“如果是这样,那么,王旭明‘教育就像买衣服’的 January 6, 200
在过去的一个时期的课堂教学中,学生都是在被动地接受知识,教师通过自己的思想,把知识分解后,设计出几个教学环节,写成教案,学生跟着老师的环节把课听完,也就学完了,没有学会的知识,再通过大量的练习和作业巩固,最终学会知识。这样的课堂,剥夺了学生学习的积极性与主动性,因而课堂气氛沉闷,教学效率低下,教师忙完了教案忙作业,忙完了作业忙试卷,工作任务极为的繁重。 自从推行“生本教育”改革以来,虽然只是一年多
【摘 要】本文论述了多媒体技术在小学语文教学课程中的应用方法及其作用。首先,对与多媒体的应用及其价值作了系统的介绍;其次,对多媒体应用中的问题进行了论述,避免不必要的损失以防止对教学造成影响;再次,介绍了应用方法。有力的促进了多媒体技术在小学语文教学的应用。  【关键词】小学语文;多媒体;多媒体技术的应用  多媒体教学手段以其丰富多彩的信息,生动活波的知识界面,化静止为动态,;抽象为具体;化理性为
[摘 要]众所周知课堂教学是学生学习的主阵地。要想让学生高效的完成学习任务,并能做到灵活应用,作为教师就要充分发挥学生的主动性、课堂学习的有效性,所以我们必须采取有效的教学策略,让学生自主学习,高效学习,本文从几个面浅谈了高中生物课堂中的教学策略。  [关键字]高中生物 课堂教学 策略  课堂教学是教学的基本形式,是学生获取信息、培养多种能力的主渠道。然而课堂教学的时间是有限的,要实现用最少的时间