Initial Steps Towards Osteosarcoma Diagnosis and Treatment

来源 :郑州大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen406507025
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Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant type of bone cancer in young patients children, teens and young adults.It usually arises as an osteoid tumor around the epiphysis of long bones and is thought to originate from the mesynchymal stem cells. It’s less likely to occur in short bones but can also take place in flat bones, including the bones of the pelvis and the skull. OS is most likely to metastasis in the lung or other bones. OS happens more predominantly in male than in female. The effective treatment is the use of chemotherapy in addition to local control. Surgical excision i.e limb salvage surgery is the successful resection of the tumor and reconstruction of a viable, working extremity that leads to increment in survival and doesn’t affect the quality of life.Doxorubicin and High dose Methotraxate,cisplatin,Ifosfamide among others have been used successfully as chemotherapy drugs for treatment of OS as first-line therapy, while cyclophosphamide, etoposide, topotecan, gemcitabine, sorafebine are used as second generation in combination of the first-line therapy.After going through quite a number of literature, it’s proposed that Staging,diagnosis plays a vital role in determining the right treatment for OS be it chemotherapy,resection or amputation.  
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