【摘 要】
The intensity of trade between China and Central African Republic has considerably risen in the recent years.However,very few scholars have accurately analyzed the relationship between these two trade
The intensity of trade between China and Central African Republic has considerably risen in the recent years.However,very few scholars have accurately analyzed the relationship between these two trade partners.This present paper highlights the trade importance between China and Central African Republic,by exploring questions related to trade trends and comparative advantage.The findings point out the trade deficit of Central African Republic in its trade relationship with China.It is from this context of increasing Sino-Central African Republic trade relations and the controversy surrounding China’s engagements in Africa that this paper tried to understand Sino-Central African Republic Trade Relations by examining the trends and determinants of Central African Republic trade with China and the Policy implications thereof.To achieve this,the traditional augmented Gravity Model of International Trade and selected Trade Indicators such as Terms of Trade and Trade Potentials were used for the analysis a period of(2000-2017)on panel data.The results indicate that Sino-Central African Republic bilateral trade is significantly determined by Central African Republic GDP,population and China GDP.Further,the analysis revealed that Sino-CAR relations have been growing rapidly,both in scope and importance as evidenced by high Trade Intensity Index;and that Sino-CAR bilateral trade relations follow Sino-African trade relations.The paper recommends the establishment of peace in the spread of national territory,urgent investments in infrastructure development,especially transport and communications and power generation as well as the formulation of consistent and appropriate policies aimed at reducing trade barriers while promoting an export led diversification agenda,needs political actions in order to improve the trade balance and ensure a better future to the China—Central African Republic bilateral trade.
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