奇迹般参赛 1992年11月至1993年4月,大约是我冰坛生涯较为顺畅的时期。5个月中,我转战亚美欧,一举包揽世界大赛500米项目的全部14枚金牌,创造了世界冰坛罕见的“大满贯”。外电惊呼:“叶是500米项目中当之无愧的常胜将军!”国际滑联主席鲍森也对我说:“你是一名老运动员,你挖掘所有的潜力创造了一项项优异的成绩,你为你的祖国乃至世界速滑事业都做出了贡献!”
Miraculously enrolled in November 1992 to April 1993, about my career is relatively smooth ice age. In five months, I fought in Asia, the United States and Europe, scoring a total of 14 gold medals in the World Series 500 meters project, creating a rare “Grand Slam” in the world of ice. Foreign exclaimed: “Ye is a well-deserved Changsheng general in the 500-meter project!” IFU Chairman Paulson told me: “You are an old athlete and you have tapped all the potential to create an outstanding result , You have contributed to the cause of your motherland and even the world speed skating! ”