
来源 :语言研究集刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asergh12
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文章考察了表示主观大量的习语词“有的是”的语义获得问题,即“有的是”从句式“S有的是NP”中的跨层组合词汇化为习语词所经历的语义演变——主观化。文章认为,句式“S有的是NP”经历了如下语义演变:“S有的是NP”(→“S有的仅是NP”)→“S有的都是NP”义→“S的NP很多”。在该语义演变过程中,认知上的视角转换和逻辑上的限定算子与全称量词置换律、“都”的语义主观化等因素在起作用。当“S的NP很多”这种语境义固化为“S有的是NP”的字面意义时,句式“S有的是NP”就已经构式化。构式意义反作用于其组成成分时,“有的是”获得“很多”义。“有的是”的语义演变可以从“所有”的语义演变、“净”的多义性和德语lauter的使用条件等方面得到旁证。 The article examines the semantic acquisition of subjective and large numbers of idioms “some is ”, that is, the semantic evolution experienced by the cross-layer combination lexicon in “some is ” and “NP in S” Subjective. The article holds that the sentence “S is NP ” has undergone the following semantic evolution: “S is NP ” (→ “S is only NP ”) → “S is NP ” → “S has a lot of NPs.” In the course of the semantic evolution, cognitive perspectives and logically restricted operators work in the same way as the full quantification replacement law and semantic subjectivity of “all ”. When the meaning of “S NPs are many ” is defined as the literal meaning of “S is NP ”, the sentence “S is NP ” has been formalized. Constructive significance of the reaction of its components, “Some ” get “a lot of” meaning. The semantic evolution of “Something ” can be circumstantial evidence from the semantic evolution of “all ”, the “polygamy” of “net ”, and the conditions of use of German lauter.