
来源 :卫生毒理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:PresentScore
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铊属高毒物,能经皮吸收,吸收后分布于全身,以肾脏中含量最高。生物半减期为26小时。脱毛为中毒的重要体征。尿铊可作为接触监测指标和中毒诊断参考指标。由亚慢性毒性实验结果估算的大鼠慢性阈浓度为0.6mg/m~3,车间空气中的最高容许浓度为0.006mg/m~3。 Thallium is a high poison, can be absorbed by the skin, absorbed in the body after distribution, the highest content in the kidneys. Half-life reduction of 26 hours. Hair removal is an important sign of poisoning. Urinary thallium can be used as a reference for monitoring contact and poisoning diagnosis. The chronic threshold concentration of rats estimated from subchronic toxicity test was 0.6 mg / m ~ 3, and the highest allowable concentration of air in workshop was 0.006 mg / m ~ 3.
  The first HIV-1 epidemic in China was found among male injection drug users (IDUs) in the Dehong prefecture of Yunnan in 1989.Since then, Yunnan province ha
  The viral response to host defenses is a key step that determines the outcome of infection and pathogenesis.Although this process has been extensively studi
  H5N1 avian influenza virus is expanding its geographical distribution and human infections are being repeatedly detected in affected countries.Stockpiling a
MiniPlayer M6,机器小巧轻盈,整体尺寸只有48.2×79×10mm。或许我们很难以语言去形容它的大小,实际上这款产品的尺寸还没有一张信用卡大。M6的外壳材料与苹果的 NANO 极为
板栗生产中 ,大小年结果现象极普遍。为有针对地疏果 ,达到调节大小年结果 ,实现丰产稳产的目的 ,笔者于 1998~ 1999探讨了毛板红栗单株合理负载的指标及相应的疏果方法。1 
目的 研究围绕子宫肌瘤患者在临床中运用超声技术诊断的效果开展分析.方法 研究纳入病例时间段选择在2019年2月——2020年2月,研究病例为河北省邢台市宁晋县大陆村中心卫生院
目的 分析颅面血管瘤综合征的病因、病理、发病机制、CT特征及其诊断与鉴别诊断以及治疗方法等等.方法 回顾性分析1例颅面血管瘤综合征的临床表现和CT资料.结果 CT显示:一侧