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  It is not every day that CNN broadcasts live from Denmark. But this month cameras from the US news networks, as well as a host of Arabic and European stations were present to watch how the Prophet Cartoons Controversy is going.
  12 cartoons printed in dairy newspaper Jyllands-Posten in September 2006 have angered Muslims. The newspaper, which had urged cartoonists submit drawings of the Prophet to test the boundaries of freedom of speech after an author complained that nobody dared illustrate his book on Mohammed, was accused of deliberately provoking and insulting Muslims by publishing the cartoons, which considered portrayal of Mohammed as a devil or a terrorist.
  The same day the cartoons were published , the newspaper received a call threatening one of the twelve illustrators .Muslim organizations including the Islamic religious community ,have demanded apology, but the Jyllands-Posten editor-in-chief , Carster Juste rejected the idea. He said the cartoons have been a journalist’s project to find out how many cartoonists refrained from drawing the prophet out of fear. “We live in a democracy. Satire is accepted in this country, and you can make caricatures. Religion should not set barriers on that sort of expression. This doesn’t mean that we wish to insult any Muslims.” He said.Members of the Islamic Religious Community demonstrated against publication of the cartoons outside Copenhagen’s City Hall on the 21 Oct 2005.
  In November, the Egyptian ambassador reiterated an appeal to the Danish government to take action on behalf of the Muslim Community. “Without speedy intervention by the Danish state the controversy involving cartoon of the prophet Mohammed could escalate if this is covered by the media in the Muslim world.” Mona Omar, the Egyptian Ambassador warned. In the mean while, 11 Muslim Ambassadors appeal the prime minister to condemn the cartoons. However, Fogh Rasmussen, the prime minister of Denmark, denied the ambassadors’ request, stating that controlling the press was simply not part of his job description in a free democracy and that freedom of expression weighted more heavily than personal feelings.
  As what the Egyptian ambassador has warned the diplomatic and commercial storm over 12 caricatures spiraled out of control in February 2006 as countries throughout the Mid-East region took action against Denmark. Saudi Arabia, Libya, Kuwaiti, and Jordan recalled its ambassador from Denmark.. While the effects of Saudi Arabian boycott spread quickly turning into a blanket ban on Danish goods in several Mid-East countries, North Africa and Pakistan. Arla, one of the world’s largest producer of dairy products ,is the currently the hardest hit of Danish companies. Danish bank have estimated that if the boycott of Danish good drags on it could endangers as many as 11,200 Danish jobs. On 2 Feb , news broadcasts, already covering the crisis as it developed , added images of violent crowed burning pictures of prime minister of Denmark together with Bush ,the US president to the already commonplace picture of burning Danish flags.
  Who would have imagine that “little” Denmark with 5 million in population will be the headline among the 6 billion inhabitants on earth this past two weeks? Although Fogh Rasmnusse and his advisers in the PM office have apparently underestimated the case’s importance, it all happened because almost 2 billion people were offend over the cartoon picture of their beloved prophet. By reviewing the whole crisis there are a few lessons we can learn.
  Muslims take their religious seriously. Since September 11, the Islamic Community worldwide has been having a bad reputation because some radicals among them. This has created much pent up anger among the community and events like the cartoon “helps” to spill it over. By no way this justifies the acts of violence seen over the television screens. In fact, by their overreaction, they tend to disqualify their right to protest.(下转第96页)
  We live in a global world, Gone are the days when we can say “when in Rome,do as the Romans do”. In global world, Rome has to redefine what it means to be a Rome with global perspective .The world is no longer governed simply by national border lines. To live in a harmony, perhaps one of the last frontiers to be overcome is a mutual acceptance of cultures, religions and languages by internationals and nations. As humans, we do have the right to many things but not all things are right. Unfortunately, some of our rights can incur wrong actions if used inconsiderately. Obviously, we should see it before jumping .May God help us to live in peace with each other in spite of our inevitable differences.
有人说“素质教育在美国”,认为美国是推行素质教育的典范,因而是最成功的。然而,在美国的教育界,很难找到与素质教育(Quality education)相同, 抑或相近的专有名词。所以,美国不存在“素质教育”这个概念或理论。因此,要了解美国所进行的素质教育,我们只能从美国公立学校在他们的义务教育阶段所追求的教育目标,教育理念及其教育实践来综合地分析与探讨它的全貌,从而为我们迫在眉睫的教育改革提供有益
摘要:本文通过对非重点中学高中学生心理状况调查研究的基础上,对其的心理特点进行剖析,并结合教学实际,提出教育教学的建议,为提高教学效果和教学质量提供心理学参考。  关键词:心理特点;心理分析;非重点中学;高中学生;教学建议    一、研究对象与研究方法    高中学生一般年龄都在15~19岁之间,为了准确了解学生的心理状况,我们采用了以下方法进行调查:(一)通过分组座谈:共收集到学生关心的心理问题
摘要:体育运动的一个重要特性之一就是合作性,合作学习是新《体育与健康课程标准》环境下的重要学习方式。“学会共处”,是新世纪人才必须具备的素质之一。  关键词:体育教学;合作学习;能力培养    21世纪是一个充满挑战性的世纪,世界各国都把教育发展战略放在一个重要的地位。联合国教科文组织在《教育——财富蕴藏其中》提出的教育的四个支柱:“学会认知、学会做事、学会共处、学会生存”。体育与健康课是各级各类
摘 要:本文在对财经院校信息管理与信息系统专业课程体系存在的问题进行分析的基础上,基于财经院校的特点和信息科学与技术的发展,以及社会经济发展对信息人才的需求,提出了财经院校信息管理与信息系统专业课程体系改革的基本方案。  关键词:信息管理与信息系统;课程体系改革    一、目前财经院校信息管理与信息系统专业课程体系存在的问题    信息管理与信息系统专业在国内外都是新兴专业,在国内1979年中国人
摘要:通过实例,从借助逻辑选择词义、翻译句子、翻译段落及篇章和进行表达四个方面,阐述了在翻译过程中运用逻辑进行分析的必要性,并提出“逻辑在翻译过程中起着不容忽视的积极作用”这一结论。  关键词:逻辑分析;翻译;必要性;不容忽视  中图分类号:G42 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1812-2485(2007)09-0113-046    翻译是把一种语言所表达的思维内容用另一种语言表达出来的语言活动,
摘要:本文从职业教育人才培养目标出发,阐述了按能力模块构建职业学校课程体系的方法,明确了各能力模块的内容和能力培养目标。最后对模块化课程体系的实施及建设的注意点进行了初步探讨。  关键词:职业教育;模块化教育模式;课程体系    发展职业教育是我国经济和社会发展对高级职业人才的客观要求。温家宝总理在2005年全国职业教育工作会议的讲话中强调,“职业教育是现代国民教育体系的重要组成部分,在实施科教兴
摘要:MMTT模式以高校科研团队为核心,通过科研团队一教学一院系、科研团队一科研孵化器一高校科研管理机构、科研团队一科研孵化器一科研营销一企业政府等三大系列的有机结合来培养高校创新型人才,该模式是高校产学研结合培养创新人才的一个新探索。  关键词:MMTT模式;创新人才;运行特征    一、高校创新人才培养模式亟待建立    长期以来,我国高校偏重于培养过窄、过专和过深的传统型人才,其弊端是人才培
摘要:大学英语教学是一个创造、和谐和进步的过程。在英语教学,充分投入感情因素,注意渲染氛、引发学习兴起,沟通情感,培养学习兴趣,教学灵活,保持学习学习兴趣,将能较好的促进英语课堂教学。  关键词:英语教学;情感;学习兴趣    大学英语教学应当是一个创造、和谐和进步的过程。一个成功的英语教师要在教学中有意识地培养学生对英语的持久兴趣,激励学生不断处于较佳的学习状态之中,使他们对英语乐学、善学、会学
摘要:在语文教学中培养学生人格将是摆在广大语文教师面前的一个主要课题。将人格培养寓于语文教育之中,这是素质教育对语文教育的重要要求。语文教学应该弘扬人文精神,挖掘文化因素,培养学生的民族意识,丰富学生的个性,完善学生的人格。语文教学,要善于调动学生的道德情感;要善于诱导学生的社会责任感;抓住关键词句,也能培养学生的人格和意志。  关键词:语文教学;素质教育;人格培养    我们常听人说:“这种有损
摘要:《简·爱》这部小说中也有着帝国主义意识的隐性结构、隐性话语,展示了帝国主义时代的种种文化上的特点,显示了文化和帝国主义之间的联系。  关键词:帝国主义意识;女权主义;文化    19世纪中期的英国,以前所未有的速度向外扩张,人们普遍沉醉于白色神话的迷梦中,而作为意识形态表现之一的小说也在向文化帝国迈进。夏绿蒂·勃朗特的《简·爱》是其叙事链中举足轻重的一环。在这部小说里,宗主国与殖民地的对立,