暴发性脉络膜出血是眼内手术灾难性的并发症之一。发生率约0.2%。可见于晶体摘出、角膜移植、青光眼手术及角膜溃疡穿孔时。最近发现见于青光眼手术者,高达0.73%。许多医生缺乏经验,若能及时认识和积极处理,可拯救许多眼睛。 Manschat(1955)分析,一些青光眼患者由于进入巩膜到脉络膜上腔的1或2支睫状动脉局限性坏死,在高眼压作用下,血管壁进一
Fulminant choroidal hemorrhage is one of the catastrophic complications of intraocular surgery. The incidence of about 0.2%. Can be found in the crystal removal, corneal transplantation, glaucoma surgery and corneal ulcer perforation. Recently found in glaucoma surgery, up to 0.73%. Many doctors lack experience and can save many eyes if they know and handle it promptly. Manschat (1955) analyzed that in some patients with glaucoma, due to localized necrosis of one or two ciliary arteries leading into the sclera to the suprachoroidal space,