在适当的矿山地质条件下广泛采用锚杆支架是降低巷道支护费用的方向之一,同其它各种支架相比,也更容易实现支护机械化。 苏联煤矿大量采用机械锚固式锚杆支架,它受岩石强度的限制,只能用于极限抗压强度大于30~40MPa的岩体。 巷道支护中,为了扩大锚杆支架的使用范围和数量,采用具有较高承载能力的全长(或长段)锚固的锚杆支架,这时主要用合成树脂或水泥为基础的锚固剂。 苏联生产的各种各样的合成树脂和树脂锚固剂中,在煤矿条件下,可用的只有几种。因锚杆支架锚固剂应符合下述要求:注入孔中时要填满孔(密封)并同锚杆一块迅速呈现出固体性能,该固体的
The extensive use of anchor supports under appropriate mine geological conditions is one of the directions to reduce the expense of roadway support. Compared with other supports, it is also easier to realize the support mechanization. Soviet coal mines extensive use of mechanical anchor bolt bracket, which is limited by the rock strength, can only be used for rock compressive strength greater than 30 ~ 40MPa. In the roadway support, in order to expand the use range and quantity of the anchor bracket, a full-length (or long-section) anchor anchor bracket with higher carrying capacity is adopted, and mainly synthetic resin or cement-based anchor agent. Among the various synthetic resins and resin anchoring agents produced in the Soviet Union, there are only a few available in coal mining conditions. Anchor bolt anchoring agent should meet the following requirements: When filling the hole to fill the hole (seal) and with the bolt quickly showed solid performance, the solid