实践“三个代表”要求 加快光谷建设步伐

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江泽民总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立80周年大会上的讲话,高屋建瓴,气势磅礴,通篇贯穿着解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,体现了继往开来、与时俱进的奋斗精神和创新精神。总书记讲话中把先进生产力、先进文化和人民群众利益联成一个有机的整体,确定为中国共产党的立党之本、执政之基和力量之源,揭示了党的建设和社会主义发展的客观规律,从理论高度,解决了党永远保持先进性、始终站在历史发展的前列这一重大课题。“三个代表”的思想标 General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s speech at the general assembly marking the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party possessed a magnanimous spirit. Throughout his ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, he embodies the spirit of struggle and spirit of keeping pace with the times. In his speech, the General Secretary identified the organic whole of advanced productive forces, advanced culture and the interests of the masses of the people as the source of the founding of the party, the foundation and power of the party in power, and revealed the objective of the party’s construction and the development of socialism From a theoretical standpoint, it has solved the important issue of maintaining the advanced nature of the party forever and always standing in the forefront of historical development. The Ideological Standard of "Three Represents
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