玉米灰斑病病原菌在干燥条件下 ,能够在地表的病残体上安全越冬。降雨量和空气相对湿度是影响玉米灰斑病发生和流行的重要环境因子。描述玉米灰斑病季节流行曲线(S型曲线) ,Gompertz模型比Logistic模型更切合实际。灰斑病的发病条件试验结果显示 ,此病害与玉米品种的抗性、土壤类型和种植形式等的关系密切 ,而与生育期、种植密度、地势和施肥的关系不密切。通过秋翻春耙和间套作种植形式等措施可有效地减轻玉米灰斑病的危害
Corn gray spot disease pathogen in dry conditions, the surface of the disabled in the safe winter. Rainfall and air relative humidity are important environmental factors affecting the occurrence and prevalence of CORS. Describing the seasonal epidemic curve (S-curve) of CORS, the Gompertz model is more realistic than the Logistic model. The results of the disease test showed that the disease was closely related to the resistance of maize varieties, soil types and planting forms, but not to the growth period, planting density, topography and fertilization. Through the fall of spring rake and intercropping for planting forms and other measures can effectively reduce the damage of corn gray spot disease