安徽素以人才辈出,群星璀璨著称。到了20世纪,更以出了众多蜚声海内外的革命家、政治家、文学家、艺术家、科学家、军事家,而使安徽人民自豪。对中国革命事业作出过诸多重要贡献的中国共产党的领导人,老一代无产阶级革命家王稼祥(1906—1974)就是其中的一位。 王稼祥是安徽泾县厚岸乡人。1906年8月15日(光绪三十二年六月二十六日)出生于厚岸村。1913年,稼祥7岁时,进入由族叔王惠州于当年创办并担任校
Anhui is famous for its talent, bright stars. By the 20th century, Anhui people were even more proud of many famous domestic and overseas revolutionaries, politicians, writers, artists, scientists and military strategists. One of them, Wang Jiaxiang (1906-1974), the leader of the Chinese Communist Party and the proletarian revolutionary of the older generation who made many important contributions to the cause of the Chinese revolution, was one of them. Wang Jiaxiang is a native of Jing’an County in Anhui Province. August 15, 1906 (Guangxu thirty-two years June 26th) was born in thick shore village. In 1913, when Jia Xiang was seven years old, he entered Huizhou, a tribe wisher, and founded the school in the same year