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为加强我省重点建设项目档案工作,确保重点建设项目档案的完整、准确、系统和有效利用,近日,省档案局、省交通厅成立了联合档案行政执法检查组,对省交通厅所属公路重点建设项目开展档案行政执法检查。本次检查主要检查了北安至富裕高速公路北安至古城段、国道三莫公路长汀至双峰林场(雪乡)段、哈同高速宾西收费站改扩建工程等7个在建重点建设项目。检查组通过听取工作汇报,实地抽查项目指挥部、 In order to strengthen archives construction of key construction projects in our province and ensure complete, accurate, systematic and effective utilization of archives of key construction projects, the Provincial Archives Bureau and Provincial Communications Department recently set up a joint archives administrative enforcement inspection team to focus on the key roads of the Provincial Communications Department Construction projects to carry out archives administrative law enforcement inspection. The inspection mainly examined the construction of 7 key projects including Bei’an-Fuyu Expressway to Beichen-Gucheng Section, Changting-Shuangfeng Forest Farm (Xuexiang) section of State Highway Sammo Highway, and the reconstruction and extension project of Harbin-Tongxiang Expressway West Toll Station construction project. Inspection team to listen to the work report, spot checks project headquarters,
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介绍了挪威新型摆式列车 ,该列车的运行可缩短旅行时间 ,提高乘车舒适度 ,并可增加铁路的竞争力 Introduced the new Norwegian-style tilting train, which can reduce tra
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近日,青岛市荣誉市民、德国曼海姆市前第一副市长诺伯特艾格博士(Dr.Norbert Egger)向青岛市档案馆捐赠《山东及其门户胶州》德文原版书籍及所附三幅珍贵地图。《山东及其门