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1941年11月28日,在溧阳后周塘马村周围发生了一场惊天地、泣鬼神的战斗,这就是新四军军史上著名的“塘马战斗”。新四军十六旅旅长罗忠毅、政委廖海涛,在数倍日军对我军实行三面包围的危急关头,为了掩护苏南党政军机关1300多人安全转移,壮烈牺牲。当时,日军对我军采取分进合围的战术,妄图发起突然袭击,一举消灭我十六旅和苏南党政机关。廖海涛在刘家祠堂对着在场的十几个同志反复交代:无论敌人来势如何,我们一定要沉着顽强,坚决顶住敌人的进攻,保证苏皖区党委、旅部、后方工作人员 On November 28, 1941, after a vigorous world of zombie and ghosts and gods broke out around the village of Zhouma in Liyang, this was the famous battle of the “Tongma” in the history of the New Fourth Army. Luo Zhongyi, commander of the brigade of the New Fourth Army’s 16 Brigade, and Liao Haitao, a political commissar, at the critical juncture of using the three-sided military command of the Japanese army to cover a large number of our troops. At that time, the Japanese army took a tactic of subdividing and encircling our army in a vain attempt to launch a surprise attack that wiped out the 16th brigade and the party and government organs in southern Jiangsu. Liao Haitao had confronted more than a dozen comrades present at the Liu ancestral hall: No matter what the enemy might be, we must be calm and firm, firmly resist the offensive of the enemy, and ensure that the party committees and brigades and departments of the Jiangsu-Anhui region and the rear staff
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